I am not a very religious person, but I respect and appreciate all cultures and religions. That said, last night one of our friend's daughters was in a play at her church. So, I loaded up the guys and we went to watch. It was so cute! All of the children did an excellent job. And my boys were very well behaved throughout the whole thing, until the end. After the play we were waiting out in the ?lobby? (I think there is some official name for the area of the church that we were in, but the name escapes me) when my guys decide it is the perfect time to act like zombies. Yep, arms out, stumbling around like Frankenstein's monster, yelling at the other children to "Come back so I can eat your brains!" and telling anyone in earshot that they can only be killed if someone "chops my head off and blood gets all over the carpet." I guess I should have been embarrassed, and I was a little. But no one else seemed to care.
Luckily no one else was privy to our earlier conversation:
Oldest son:"So how does that whole Jesus thing work?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Oldest son: "Well, if Jesus died and then came back to life, THAT MAKES HIM A ZOMBIE, mom!"
Youngest son: "If church is God's house, does he get to make people make him pancakes whenever he wants? That's what I would do if I had that many houses. I would eat pancakes all the time. I wish I was God."

Good times I tell ya'...Good times...
I love it ! Haha & you ! (:
As out of place it may be your boys do make a good point. Something to think about I suppose.
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