Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still lacking in the area of 'Boy Knowledge'

Last night the boys were in Boy 1's room play fighting, or wrestling, or whatever you call it when boys joyously beat the crap out of each other.

There were loud noises, seemingly both of pain and happiness, as well as random booming/crashing sounds emanating from upstairs.

I suggested to The Brain that perhaps we (he) should go up there and put an end to the madness before something bad happened. He disagreed on the premise that they were playing and should be left alone since they hadn't done anything wrong (yet) and no one was injured.

Honestly, I was exhausted and really comfy on the couch so we sat there and listened.

This is what we heard:

Boy 1: (muffled) "Geh uff me...i con breth..."

Boy 2: laughter , "Ok I think you have had enough of my vengeance..."

Boy 1: " Whew. Dude! I couldn't breathe under there."

Boy 2: "Now what do we do?"

Boy 1: " You hit me as hard as you can and then I will throw you off the bed..."

Boy 2 : " ok cool!"


Apparently this behavior is not outside of the "acceptable boy behavior" bell curve.....

I don't understand...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I just got a cool new phone for my birthday! Now I can take advantage of mobile blogging :-)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can you say, "Pre mid-life crisis"? I knew you could!

I'm stuck lately with this whole blogging thing.

I've got nothing and everything going on at once.

Do I tell you about my overly rude accounting professor and my stressful upcoming econ test that I am sure to fail due to my inability to do math? Zzz

What about my wisdom tooth? Do you want to know that I hate dentists? That the prospect of sitting in a chair drooling all over myself while some man rips a tooth from my head is shockingly unappealing to me?

Or maybe my latest regret? That I realized that I didn't make bath time a fun time for the boys when they were little.

It must have been horrible for them having a mom who thought bath crayons, bubbles, and hour long spells in the tub were a waste of time. ( for insight to my bath time mind set, go here.) I am certain that my actions have caused some irreparable and perhaps unconscionable damage. I'm sure that they will both need therapy and possibly miss out on deeper connections in life, all because I didn't equate bath time to play time during their formative years. Instead, I had a task to complete, likened to some post-apocalyptic cyborg sent from the future programmed to fulfill but one objective: bathe the children. And now their future adult selves are doomed to a life of misery and pain.

And honestly I feel like I missed out too.

Or do I tell you about my slight mental breakdown the other day? The one where I was sitting half naked on my laundry room floor crying like a two year old because my salon appointment was cancelled and I have no clothes? At least none I want to wear! Because lets face it, you can only wear the same outfit to someones house so many times before they start wondering ... I don't know what exactly they would wonder but I know that wonder they would!

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's worth it...maybe

Sometimes, like right now, I can't help but wonder if teaching the boys responsibility through  household chores is worth the stress on both me and my furniture.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Old McDonald never went birthday card shopping with kids

Today is The Brain's Birthday!!!

I feel bad for him. I really do, simply because he does not get excited what-so-ever about his birthday.

Have you ever tried buying a gift for an extremely picky guy who honestly doesn't care about his b-day? It's frustrating I tell 'ya.

I thought this year would be different because for once he had a wish list. Granted it was a short list containing only a Blu-ray player, but it was something! Knowing nothing about electronics and not wanting to get the wrong one, last night we went to BestBuy on a mission. An hour and a half later we left...empty handed. After adding up the cost of the Blu-ray player, HDMI cables, and myriad of movies, he just couldn't bring himself to spend the money. The one year he actually wants something!!!

On another note:

Yesterday, I took the boys to pick out birthday cards. Boy 1, being the economically sensible child that he is, decided on the 99 cent Hallmark 'Birthday Dog' card because, "Dad will appreciate that I didn't spend too much money on a card that he is just going to throw away eventually." The sad thing - He's right!

Boy 2 took a different approach. Boy 2 is in a bit of  a "Girl Crazy" phase (at 6 yrs old!!) and insisted on a card with a half naked woman on it....Umm... She say maybe NO! He settled for one of those annoying musical cards instead that sang, "You don't care about your birthday..." It was perfect, especially at 6 am this morning.

During our 30 minute stint in Greeting Card Land, Boy 2 found a card that had a farmer on it. Did I mention that Boy 2 can read now? Well, he can. The card read, "E.I.E.I. O CRAP!!! I forgot your birthday." Needless to say Boy 2 thought it was the funniest thing in the world and proceeded to sing "E.I.E.I. O Crap!" at the top of his lungs. I promptly warned him that if he didn't stop he would be in trouble.  The conversation went a little something like this:

Boy 2: "E.I.E.I. O CRAP!"

Me: "Stop that!"

Boy 2: "E.I.E.I. O CRAAAP!"

Me: "That's not funny! Stop it now or you are going to be in big trouble!"

Boy 2: pause for serious thought "How much trouble?"

Me: "If you do it again you will be grounded for a whole day."

Boy 2: again, serious thought process going on...." That's really not that long...E.I.E-"

Me: " EIGHT WEEKS! You will be grounded for eight weeks if you finish that sentence!"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September already

It's almost that time. I can feel it in the air. I want to open my windows and clean the house. I want to eat Rotel dip, little sausages, and other tiny finger foods. I want to drink beer and watch football. I want to wear my hoodie and jeans. I want to start a fire in the fireplace and, yes, I even want to rake leaves.
C'mon Fall - I'm ready!