Thursday, December 2, 2010
It's been crazy 'round here
Sorry I haven't blogged anything meaningfully witty lately - soon I promise!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Nintendo Thumb Generation
The other day I saw a commercial for a new video game. I don't recall whether it was for X-Box, PS3, Wii, or some other new must have system, but for my purposes today it doesn't really matter either way.
I like video games, really I do. I am not a "gamer", no one in my house is either, but we like them well enough.
Since this was a commercial for a collection of video game versions of "family" games, my ears perked up.
Life, ok.
UNO, cool.
Checkers, alright.
Twister, ummm....what????
How in the hell do you play a video game version of freakin' Twister????? Seriously, where is the fun in that? How on Earth can that be the slightest bit fulfilling? Unless you are sprawled out across your living room floor with someones butt in your face, it's not Twister.
Again, I like video games, but I think they have gone a bit far.
We are too (fill in the blank 'cuase I can't think of a word other than pathetic) of a society that we/our kids don't even go outside to play basketball or.... run!
I think if the trend in video games is to be more realistic, then those fishing games should go something like this:
Upon pushing play, you are required to pay $15 real dollars for a fishing license. Then the controller squirts worm guts on your hand while simultaneously stabbing you in the finger. When you cast for the first time your line will get stuck in the tree above you, which may or may not be the exact location of a killer bee hive depending on the level. You will be required to spend 45 min. trying to untangle the line. After successfully casting the second time, you must sit in motionless silence about 30 min. until you are then attacked in the ear by mosquitoes that suddenly appear hovering around your couch. Once you have managed to spray yourself in the eye with bug repellent, you get a bite and reel in the infamous stick fish that has miraculously eaten your bait. Only after 4 hours of game play will you catch a fish. At which point it will have either swallowed the hook or been caught in the eye, either way it is now floating in the water in front of you, taunting you for the remainder of this game.
I like video games, really I do. I am not a "gamer", no one in my house is either, but we like them well enough.
Since this was a commercial for a collection of video game versions of "family" games, my ears perked up.
Life, ok.
UNO, cool.
Checkers, alright.
Twister, ummm....what????
How in the hell do you play a video game version of freakin' Twister????? Seriously, where is the fun in that? How on Earth can that be the slightest bit fulfilling? Unless you are sprawled out across your living room floor with someones butt in your face, it's not Twister.
Again, I like video games, but I think they have gone a bit far.
We are too (fill in the blank 'cuase I can't think of a word other than pathetic) of a society that we/our kids don't even go outside to play basketball or.... run!
I think if the trend in video games is to be more realistic, then those fishing games should go something like this:
Upon pushing play, you are required to pay $15 real dollars for a fishing license. Then the controller squirts worm guts on your hand while simultaneously stabbing you in the finger. When you cast for the first time your line will get stuck in the tree above you, which may or may not be the exact location of a killer bee hive depending on the level. You will be required to spend 45 min. trying to untangle the line. After successfully casting the second time, you must sit in motionless silence about 30 min. until you are then attacked in the ear by mosquitoes that suddenly appear hovering around your couch. Once you have managed to spray yourself in the eye with bug repellent, you get a bite and reel in the infamous stick fish that has miraculously eaten your bait. Only after 4 hours of game play will you catch a fish. At which point it will have either swallowed the hook or been caught in the eye, either way it is now floating in the water in front of you, taunting you for the remainder of this game.
Friday, October 15, 2010
No place for pragmatism
Halloween was always my favorite holiday as a kid. For me it wasn’t about the candy, granted that was a plus, but it was about the dressing up and having the crap scared out of you. I loved costumes and all things ghoulish. All year long I pined for that one day when it was socially acceptable to dress and act like you might possibly be in need of therapy and heavy medication.
My most memorable Halloween was the year my dad made my vampire costume. My father had a flair for the dramatic and thought it would be a great idea to dye my hair red, I of course enthusiastically agreed. (Now would be a good time to tell you that my hair was white blond when I was younger) Having futilely begged my mother for the past 3 years to let me do just that, I should have known that this little experiment would not end well. However, my mother was in another city and I had 48 hours to enjoy my forbidden red hair fruit before all hell broke loose. Which, break loose it did!
I dreamed of the day when I would have children of my own. I would be the cool mom who let them dye their hair with semi-permanent color and helped them create open sores on their face. I would be the coolest mom ever.
Unfortunately, my children have shattered this dream of mine. My kids see this day of most wonderful days a bit differently than I do. For them it’s about the accessories. What can they be that will give them the most usable parts on November 1st?
This logical view of Halloween baffles me.
I want them to want to be zombies with peeling flesh or mad scientists with crazy hair and dark circles under their eyes. But no, this year it’s a ninja (swords, sai’s, throwing stars, etc.) again, and a police man (handcuffs, badge, gun, etc.).
I blame The Brain and all his “practicality” for rubbing off on the boys and turning them in to “sensible” Halloween shoppers.
My most memorable Halloween was the year my dad made my vampire costume. My father had a flair for the dramatic and thought it would be a great idea to dye my hair red, I of course enthusiastically agreed. (Now would be a good time to tell you that my hair was white blond when I was younger) Having futilely begged my mother for the past 3 years to let me do just that, I should have known that this little experiment would not end well. However, my mother was in another city and I had 48 hours to enjoy my forbidden red hair fruit before all hell broke loose. Which, break loose it did!
I dreamed of the day when I would have children of my own. I would be the cool mom who let them dye their hair with semi-permanent color and helped them create open sores on their face. I would be the coolest mom ever.
Unfortunately, my children have shattered this dream of mine. My kids see this day of most wonderful days a bit differently than I do. For them it’s about the accessories. What can they be that will give them the most usable parts on November 1st?
This logical view of Halloween baffles me.
I want them to want to be zombies with peeling flesh or mad scientists with crazy hair and dark circles under their eyes. But no, this year it’s a ninja (swords, sai’s, throwing stars, etc.) again, and a police man (handcuffs, badge, gun, etc.).
I blame The Brain and all his “practicality” for rubbing off on the boys and turning them in to “sensible” Halloween shoppers.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Still lacking in the area of 'Boy Knowledge'
Last night the boys were in Boy 1's room play fighting, or wrestling, or whatever you call it when boys joyously beat the crap out of each other.
There were loud noises, seemingly both of pain and happiness, as well as random booming/crashing sounds emanating from upstairs.
I suggested to The Brain that perhaps we (he) should go up there and put an end to the madness before something bad happened. He disagreed on the premise that they were playing and should be left alone since they hadn't done anything wrong (yet) and no one was injured.
Honestly, I was exhausted and really comfy on the couch so we sat there and listened.
This is what we heard:
Boy 1: (muffled) "Geh uff me...i con breth..."
Boy 2: laughter , "Ok I think you have had enough of my vengeance..."
Boy 1: " Whew. Dude! I couldn't breathe under there."
Boy 2: "Now what do we do?"
Boy 1: " You hit me as hard as you can and then I will throw you off the bed..."
Boy 2 : " ok cool!"
Apparently this behavior is not outside of the "acceptable boy behavior" bell curve.....
I don't understand...
There were loud noises, seemingly both of pain and happiness, as well as random booming/crashing sounds emanating from upstairs.
I suggested to The Brain that perhaps we (he) should go up there and put an end to the madness before something bad happened. He disagreed on the premise that they were playing and should be left alone since they hadn't done anything wrong (yet) and no one was injured.
Honestly, I was exhausted and really comfy on the couch so we sat there and listened.
This is what we heard:
Boy 1: (muffled) "Geh uff me...i con breth..."
Boy 2: laughter , "Ok I think you have had enough of my vengeance..."
Boy 1: " Whew. Dude! I couldn't breathe under there."
Boy 2: "Now what do we do?"
Boy 1: " You hit me as hard as you can and then I will throw you off the bed..."
Boy 2 : " ok cool!"
Apparently this behavior is not outside of the "acceptable boy behavior" bell curve.....
I don't understand...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Can you say, "Pre mid-life crisis"? I knew you could!
I'm stuck lately with this whole blogging thing.
I've got nothing and everything going on at once.
Do I tell you about my overly rude accounting professor and my stressful upcoming econ test that I am sure to fail due to my inability to do math? Zzz
What about my wisdom tooth? Do you want to know that I hate dentists? That the prospect of sitting in a chair drooling all over myself while some man rips a tooth from my head is shockingly unappealing to me?
Or maybe my latest regret? That I realized that I didn't make bath time a fun time for the boys when they were little.
It must have been horrible for them having a mom who thought bath crayons, bubbles, and hour long spells in the tub were a waste of time. ( for insight to my bath time mind set, go here.) I am certain that my actions have caused some irreparable and perhaps unconscionable damage. I'm sure that they will both need therapy and possibly miss out on deeper connections in life, all because I didn't equate bath time to play time during their formative years. Instead, I had a task to complete, likened to some post-apocalyptic cyborg sent from the future programmed to fulfill but one objective: bathe the children. And now their future adult selves are doomed to a life of misery and pain.
And honestly I feel like I missed out too.
Or do I tell you about my slight mental breakdown the other day? The one where I was sitting half naked on my laundry room floor crying like a two year old because my salon appointment was cancelled and I have no clothes? At least none I want to wear! Because lets face it, you can only wear the same outfit to someones house so many times before they start wondering ... I don't know what exactly they would wonder but I know that wonder they would!
I've got nothing and everything going on at once.
Do I tell you about my overly rude accounting professor and my stressful upcoming econ test that I am sure to fail due to my inability to do math? Zzz
What about my wisdom tooth? Do you want to know that I hate dentists? That the prospect of sitting in a chair drooling all over myself while some man rips a tooth from my head is shockingly unappealing to me?
Or maybe my latest regret? That I realized that I didn't make bath time a fun time for the boys when they were little.
It must have been horrible for them having a mom who thought bath crayons, bubbles, and hour long spells in the tub were a waste of time. ( for insight to my bath time mind set, go here.) I am certain that my actions have caused some irreparable and perhaps unconscionable damage. I'm sure that they will both need therapy and possibly miss out on deeper connections in life, all because I didn't equate bath time to play time during their formative years. Instead, I had a task to complete, likened to some post-apocalyptic cyborg sent from the future programmed to fulfill but one objective: bathe the children. And now their future adult selves are doomed to a life of misery and pain.
And honestly I feel like I missed out too.
Or do I tell you about my slight mental breakdown the other day? The one where I was sitting half naked on my laundry room floor crying like a two year old because my salon appointment was cancelled and I have no clothes? At least none I want to wear! Because lets face it, you can only wear the same outfit to someones house so many times before they start wondering ... I don't know what exactly they would wonder but I know that wonder they would!
Monday, September 13, 2010
It's worth it...maybe
Sometimes, like right now, I can't help but wonder if teaching the boys responsibility through household chores is worth the stress on both me and my furniture.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Old McDonald never went birthday card shopping with kids
Today is The Brain's Birthday!!!
I feel bad for him. I really do, simply because he does not get excited what-so-ever about his birthday.
Have you ever tried buying a gift for an extremely picky guy who honestly doesn't care about his b-day? It's frustrating I tell 'ya.
I thought this year would be different because for once he had a wish list. Granted it was a short list containing only a Blu-ray player, but it was something! Knowing nothing about electronics and not wanting to get the wrong one, last night we went to BestBuy on a mission. An hour and a half later we left...empty handed. After adding up the cost of the Blu-ray player, HDMI cables, and myriad of movies, he just couldn't bring himself to spend the money. The one year he actually wants something!!!
On another note:
Yesterday, I took the boys to pick out birthday cards. Boy 1, being the economically sensible child that he is, decided on the 99 cent Hallmark 'Birthday Dog' card because, "Dad will appreciate that I didn't spend too much money on a card that he is just going to throw away eventually." The sad thing - He's right!
Boy 2 took a different approach. Boy 2 is in a bit of a "Girl Crazy" phase (at 6 yrs old!!) and insisted on a card with a half naked woman on it....Umm... She say maybe NO! He settled for one of those annoying musical cards instead that sang, "You don't care about your birthday..." It was perfect, especially at 6 am this morning.
During our 30 minute stint in Greeting Card Land, Boy 2 found a card that had a farmer on it. Did I mention that Boy 2 can read now? Well, he can. The card read, "E.I.E.I. O CRAP!!! I forgot your birthday." Needless to say Boy 2 thought it was the funniest thing in the world and proceeded to sing "E.I.E.I. O Crap!" at the top of his lungs. I promptly warned him that if he didn't stop he would be in trouble. The conversation went a little something like this:
Boy 2: "E.I.E.I. O CRAP!"
Me: "Stop that!"
Boy 2: "E.I.E.I. O CRAAAP!"
Me: "That's not funny! Stop it now or you are going to be in big trouble!"
Boy 2: pause for serious thought "How much trouble?"
Me: "If you do it again you will be grounded for a whole day."
Boy 2: again, serious thought process going on...." That's really not that long...E.I.E-"
Me: " EIGHT WEEKS! You will be grounded for eight weeks if you finish that sentence!"
I feel bad for him. I really do, simply because he does not get excited what-so-ever about his birthday.
Have you ever tried buying a gift for an extremely picky guy who honestly doesn't care about his b-day? It's frustrating I tell 'ya.
I thought this year would be different because for once he had a wish list. Granted it was a short list containing only a Blu-ray player, but it was something! Knowing nothing about electronics and not wanting to get the wrong one, last night we went to BestBuy on a mission. An hour and a half later we left...empty handed. After adding up the cost of the Blu-ray player, HDMI cables, and myriad of movies, he just couldn't bring himself to spend the money. The one year he actually wants something!!!
On another note:
Yesterday, I took the boys to pick out birthday cards. Boy 1, being the economically sensible child that he is, decided on the 99 cent Hallmark 'Birthday Dog' card because, "Dad will appreciate that I didn't spend too much money on a card that he is just going to throw away eventually." The sad thing - He's right!
Boy 2 took a different approach. Boy 2 is in a bit of a "Girl Crazy" phase (at 6 yrs old!!) and insisted on a card with a half naked woman on it....Umm... She say maybe NO! He settled for one of those annoying musical cards instead that sang, "You don't care about your birthday..." It was perfect, especially at 6 am this morning.
During our 30 minute stint in Greeting Card Land, Boy 2 found a card that had a farmer on it. Did I mention that Boy 2 can read now? Well, he can. The card read, "E.I.E.I. O CRAP!!! I forgot your birthday." Needless to say Boy 2 thought it was the funniest thing in the world and proceeded to sing "E.I.E.I. O Crap!" at the top of his lungs. I promptly warned him that if he didn't stop he would be in trouble. The conversation went a little something like this:
Boy 2: "E.I.E.I. O CRAP!"
Me: "Stop that!"
Boy 2: "E.I.E.I. O CRAAAP!"
Me: "That's not funny! Stop it now or you are going to be in big trouble!"
Boy 2: pause for serious thought "How much trouble?"
Me: "If you do it again you will be grounded for a whole day."
Boy 2: again, serious thought process going on...." That's really not that long...E.I.E-"
Me: " EIGHT WEEKS! You will be grounded for eight weeks if you finish that sentence!"
Thursday, September 2, 2010
September already
It's almost that time. I can feel it in the air. I want to open my windows and clean the house. I want to eat Rotel dip, little sausages, and other tiny finger foods. I want to drink beer and watch football. I want to wear my hoodie and jeans. I want to start a fire in the fireplace and, yes, I even want to rake leaves.
C'mon Fall - I'm ready!
C'mon Fall - I'm ready!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Just roll with it
Yesterday, for boy2's birthday, we rented a boat for the day and went tubing on the lake.
The Brain's wonderful cousin came along - Thank God! - she is amazing with the kids and they have so much fun when she is around.
Before we even got on the boat, boy 2 got stung by a bee!! Let me tell ya', that kid is tough! Of course he cried a little, until we told him that the bee's natural punishment for stinging is death. That seemed to perk him up considerably- not sure if I should be worried, but that's another matter.
After a few hours of playing on the water, it started to rain. For most people this would signify the end of the day, but not for us. Boating/tubing in the rain is fun! (no need to fret - once the lightning came we stopped tubing) Picture this: 2 adults, one quasi adult, and 2 kids dancing and singing along to the radio, on pontoon boat, in the middle of the lake. How much more fun can you have?
Sometimes things don't go as planned. Sometimes you have to make adjustments. And sometimes those bumps in the road make the best memories.
The Brain's wonderful cousin came along - Thank God! - she is amazing with the kids and they have so much fun when she is around.
Before we even got on the boat, boy 2 got stung by a bee!! Let me tell ya', that kid is tough! Of course he cried a little, until we told him that the bee's natural punishment for stinging is death. That seemed to perk him up considerably- not sure if I should be worried, but that's another matter.
After a few hours of playing on the water, it started to rain. For most people this would signify the end of the day, but not for us. Boating/tubing in the rain is fun! (no need to fret - once the lightning came we stopped tubing) Picture this: 2 adults, one quasi adult, and 2 kids dancing and singing along to the radio, on pontoon boat, in the middle of the lake. How much more fun can you have?
Sometimes things don't go as planned. Sometimes you have to make adjustments. And sometimes those bumps in the road make the best memories.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Unsettled Spirits In St Augustine
Interesting...but what they don't tell you at the end is that there is a main road across the water and a bridge very near.. the cannons could very well be headlights
Interesting...but what they don't tell you at the end is that there is a main road across the water and a bridge very near.. the cannons could very well be headlights
He made it!
Boy 2 turned 6 today!!
With as accident prone as he is, we are pleasantly surprised!
Off to make his Birthday Dinner - Pancakes, sausage, and cheese eggs!
With as accident prone as he is, we are pleasantly surprised!
Off to make his Birthday Dinner - Pancakes, sausage, and cheese eggs!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hold the ladder while I climb up on my soap box
Non-traditional experiences:
So I have finally gotten my Fall Semester schedule straightened out. Am I taking the classes I wanted? NO!
Ugh! What a nightmare!
One would expect that a university offering X major and accepting Y amount of students into X major would offer enough classes in X major to accommodate Y students.
But maybe that’s just crazy talk!
Mon/Wed: Accounting& Econ
Tues/Thurs: History, and PoliSci.
Not exactly what I had in mind.
The cable company:
COMCAST - may also be referred to from here on out as an evil ploy by Satan and/or Darth Vader to turn people to the dark side.
Apparently I accidently subscribed to "sex-a-gogo" last night on On-Demand... YES, it was an accident! No accidental charges my foot! Not only do I have no idea what "sex-a-gogo" is, or how much it costs, but I don't even know how to access it... I mean, seriously, if I am going to have to pay for it I should at least get to watch it… I'm just sayin'...
After 5 min. of entering my phone #, account #, date of birth, blood type, and the first day of my last menstrual cycle, on the amazing automated system that is speeding up the process ( oh yeah, we are rockin' and rollin' now baby) I get: "We're sorry. (no joke!) Due to high call volumes we cannot take your call right now, please call back. We are open 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Good bye."
FYI - 5 min. x 10 = 50 min.
I'm not afraid, but my anger is starting to turn to hate...
So I have finally gotten my Fall Semester schedule straightened out. Am I taking the classes I wanted? NO!
Ugh! What a nightmare!
One would expect that a university offering X major and accepting Y amount of students into X major would offer enough classes in X major to accommodate Y students.
But maybe that’s just crazy talk!
Mon/Wed: Accounting& Econ
Tues/Thurs: History, and PoliSci.
Not exactly what I had in mind.
The cable company:
COMCAST - may also be referred to from here on out as an evil ploy by Satan and/or Darth Vader to turn people to the dark side.
Apparently I accidently subscribed to "sex-a-gogo" last night on On-Demand... YES, it was an accident! No accidental charges my foot! Not only do I have no idea what "sex-a-gogo" is, or how much it costs, but I don't even know how to access it... I mean, seriously, if I am going to have to pay for it I should at least get to watch it… I'm just sayin'...
After 5 min. of entering my phone #, account #, date of birth, blood type, and the first day of my last menstrual cycle, on the amazing automated system that is speeding up the process ( oh yeah, we are rockin' and rollin' now baby) I get: "We're sorry. (no joke!) Due to high call volumes we cannot take your call right now, please call back. We are open 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Good bye."
FYI - 5 min. x 10 = 50 min.
I'm not afraid, but my anger is starting to turn to hate...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Do you ever just wish things would stop? Just for 2 seconds. Just so you could catch your breath and screw your head back on straight...
Thats me right now.
Thats me right now.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bitter sweet peace and quiet
School supplies have been turned in.
Lunches have been paid for.
Volunteer sheets have been signed.
Snacks have been arranged.
Hello School Year- Goodbye Summer.
Today is the first day of school. And while I will miss having the ability to do anything we want during the week, it is nice to have a quiet house and a routine once again!
Yesterday we got to go to their respective schools and meet with their teachers. So far so good! We all really like both teachers. Boy 1's teacher is an Alabama fan so that's a plus, I mean at least we know she's smart!!
The great people from Chick-Fil-A were at Boy 1's school and they had one of those 'Spin the Wheel - Win a Prize' things going on, so of course the boys couldn't resist. Boy 2 won a free kids meal coupon. You would have thought he had just won the lottery!!! Never mind the fact that chicken nuggets are his favorite food (a.k.a one of the only things he will eat), but these are, "FREE CHICKEN NUGGETS MOM!!!!!!!" Seriously, he talked about nothing else for over an hour.
I guess sometimes it really is the little things...
Lunches have been paid for.
Volunteer sheets have been signed.
Snacks have been arranged.
Hello School Year- Goodbye Summer.
Today is the first day of school. And while I will miss having the ability to do anything we want during the week, it is nice to have a quiet house and a routine once again!
Yesterday we got to go to their respective schools and meet with their teachers. So far so good! We all really like both teachers. Boy 1's teacher is an Alabama fan so that's a plus, I mean at least we know she's smart!!
The great people from Chick-Fil-A were at Boy 1's school and they had one of those 'Spin the Wheel - Win a Prize' things going on, so of course the boys couldn't resist. Boy 2 won a free kids meal coupon. You would have thought he had just won the lottery!!! Never mind the fact that chicken nuggets are his favorite food (a.k.a one of the only things he will eat), but these are, "FREE CHICKEN NUGGETS MOM!!!!!!!" Seriously, he talked about nothing else for over an hour.
I guess sometimes it really is the little things...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Vacation 2010 - The rest of the story
We woke up Tuesday morning and headed over to Aquatica, SeaWorld's water park. It was pretty neat. I will say though that it was nothing like the pictures online! We didn't go on any of the major water slides, simply because of the lines. We stayed in the Walkabout Waters area the entire day and had a blast!
My only gripe was when it came time to eat lunch. If you are planning to go to any amusement park and eat at a restaurant DO NOT table squat! There is nothing worse than walking around, carrying a tray of food, through a crowd, with small children, trying to find a place to sit and eat. And there is no one more rude than a table squatter. Seriously people! The line inside is forever long and you need to get your butt up so those of us with food can eat. I promise you that by the time your band of hooligans gets their food, we will be done and on our way. There is a system and you are jackin' it up! In case you are wondering what a table squatter is, it is a person who is taking up a table and not food in sight.
Over the bridge and across the state to Tampa we go! We met up with The Brain's brother and sister-in-law for a day at Busch Gardens. FYI - No more free beer...
We fed kangaroos, had Lorys on our heads, and Boy 2 rode his first roller coaster - The Scorpion. It even has a loop and a spiral! When he got off all he could say was, "That was totally wicked! Lets do it again!"
Afterwards, we went to the in-laws for dinner. An awesome day!
Check out was at 11:00 so we checked out and went back to Downtown Disney for lunch at Planet Hollywood and some more shopping. After that we drove up to Daytona Beach to visit with family and just relax.
The water was crazy Friday! The current was way stronger than I was comfortable with so we made our way back up to the condo to hang out with the family.
Fun in the sun complete with boogie boards and burying people in the sand, killer Mojitos and Margaritas, and an awesome shrimp boil! What more could you want? Oh yeah, roasted marshmallows and a night walk on the beach!
All good things must come to an end...but not without more shopping and a trip to St. Augustine!
Florida in July = HOT!
We woke up Tuesday morning and headed over to Aquatica, SeaWorld's water park. It was pretty neat. I will say though that it was nothing like the pictures online! We didn't go on any of the major water slides, simply because of the lines. We stayed in the Walkabout Waters area the entire day and had a blast!
My only gripe was when it came time to eat lunch. If you are planning to go to any amusement park and eat at a restaurant DO NOT table squat! There is nothing worse than walking around, carrying a tray of food, through a crowd, with small children, trying to find a place to sit and eat. And there is no one more rude than a table squatter. Seriously people! The line inside is forever long and you need to get your butt up so those of us with food can eat. I promise you that by the time your band of hooligans gets their food, we will be done and on our way. There is a system and you are jackin' it up! In case you are wondering what a table squatter is, it is a person who is taking up a table and not food in sight.
Over the bridge and across the state to Tampa we go! We met up with The Brain's brother and sister-in-law for a day at Busch Gardens. FYI - No more free beer...
We fed kangaroos, had Lorys on our heads, and Boy 2 rode his first roller coaster - The Scorpion. It even has a loop and a spiral! When he got off all he could say was, "That was totally wicked! Lets do it again!"
Afterwards, we went to the in-laws for dinner. An awesome day!
A Lory at Lory Landing in Busch Gardens |
Thursday was our relax day. In the morning we went back to SeaWorld and then hung out at the pool in the afternoon. That night we went to Downtown Disney for dinner and a little shopping. The boys fell in love with the Lego store! We went to a restaurant called T-Rex for dinner and it was the coolest place ever! The website does not do it justice, so here is a picture of where we sat, the coral reef.
Check out was at 11:00 so we checked out and went back to Downtown Disney for lunch at Planet Hollywood and some more shopping. After that we drove up to Daytona Beach to visit with family and just relax.
The water was crazy Friday! The current was way stronger than I was comfortable with so we made our way back up to the condo to hang out with the family.
Fun in the sun complete with boogie boards and burying people in the sand, killer Mojitos and Margaritas, and an awesome shrimp boil! What more could you want? Oh yeah, roasted marshmallows and a night walk on the beach!
All good things must come to an end...but not without more shopping and a trip to St. Augustine!
Carcel Prison at Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine |
Florida in July = HOT!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Vacation 2010: Friday - Monday
Our Florida vacation was so wonderful and much needed.
Friday and Saturday:
We left on Friday, 07/16, and headed down to Ocala to visit with family. The Brain went to play golf while the boys and I swam in the pool with the Grandmas. A relaxing way to start Vacation 2010.
We left Ocala and headed to Orlando for the week. Our Google Maps directions were a little...ummm wrong.. and had us exit off of the toll road on a " Sun Pass" exit... we may be receiving a $100 ticket in the mail shortly...Thanks Google Map Makers! We checked in at The Hilton Orlando around 5:00. The hotel was sweet! The staff was really nice, even when there was no reason to be! That evening we hung out at the pool. Which was the coolest pool I have ever seen. It was huge with zero entry on both ends. It had it's own lazy river complete with waterfalls, steam, and water squirty things. It also had it's own really cool twisty water slide, water basketball courts, and kid fountains, and cabanas. Around the pool bar were Foosball and pool tables. There were also giant fire pits and an adults only pool with a hot tub.
Sorry there is a glare, I took the picture through the window.
It's Sea World time! Sea World was pretty awesome. We got to pet dolphins and sting rays and see some incredible shows. The Shamu show was neat and of course we sat in the soak zone!! My favorites though were the dolphin show and the acrobatic show. We didn't ride many rides at sea world, however we did go on Journey to Atlantis - pretty nifty.
I did get into a rather nasty discussion with a 'lady' at the dolphin petting area...
Vacation 2010 - To Be Continued....
Friday and Saturday:
We left on Friday, 07/16, and headed down to Ocala to visit with family. The Brain went to play golf while the boys and I swam in the pool with the Grandmas. A relaxing way to start Vacation 2010.
We left Ocala and headed to Orlando for the week. Our Google Maps directions were a little...ummm wrong.. and had us exit off of the toll road on a " Sun Pass" exit... we may be receiving a $100 ticket in the mail shortly...Thanks Google Map Makers! We checked in at The Hilton Orlando around 5:00. The hotel was sweet! The staff was really nice, even when there was no reason to be! That evening we hung out at the pool. Which was the coolest pool I have ever seen. It was huge with zero entry on both ends. It had it's own lazy river complete with waterfalls, steam, and water squirty things. It also had it's own really cool twisty water slide, water basketball courts, and kid fountains, and cabanas. Around the pool bar were Foosball and pool tables. There were also giant fire pits and an adults only pool with a hot tub.
Sorry there is a glare, I took the picture through the window.
It's Sea World time! Sea World was pretty awesome. We got to pet dolphins and sting rays and see some incredible shows. The Shamu show was neat and of course we sat in the soak zone!! My favorites though were the dolphin show and the acrobatic show. We didn't ride many rides at sea world, however we did go on Journey to Atlantis - pretty nifty.
I did get into a rather nasty discussion with a 'lady' at the dolphin petting area...
Vacation 2010 - To Be Continued....
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lucy...We're home!
Our Florida vacation was amazing!
Ocala; Orlando - Sea World, Aquatica, and Downtown Disney; Tampa Bay- Busch Gardens; Daytona Beach; And a visit to Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine.
As soon as all of the after vacation chores (a.k.a laundry, grocery shopping, more laundry) are done, I promise to blog all about it! I have so much to share with you!
Want to say a quick "Hello and welcome to my world!" to all of my new readers, both U.S and international!
This blog grew like crazy while I was away!
By The Way:
Either The Brain never checked his work email or he did so in secret...only he knows...
Ocala; Orlando - Sea World, Aquatica, and Downtown Disney; Tampa Bay- Busch Gardens; Daytona Beach; And a visit to Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine.
As soon as all of the after vacation chores (a.k.a laundry, grocery shopping, more laundry) are done, I promise to blog all about it! I have so much to share with you!
Want to say a quick "Hello and welcome to my world!" to all of my new readers, both U.S and international!
This blog grew like crazy while I was away!
By The Way:
Either The Brain never checked his work email or he did so in secret...only he knows...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The postman will arrive at dawn
The boys have devised their own secret agent spy language.
Which I think is awesome!
Even though I have no idea what they are talking about half of the time now.
The postman has already arrived.
Which I think is awesome!
Even though I have no idea what they are talking about half of the time now.
The postman has already arrived.
And the winner is...
So most of you think that The Brain is smart enough not to get caught working while on vacation, huh?
And, I see that I am the only wishful thinker of the bunch...
For his sake I hope you are right!!
And, I see that I am the only wishful thinker of the bunch...
For his sake I hope you are right!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The end of a chapter
Last year I was the PTA Vice President at Boy 2's school.
This year, not so much. Between the boys school/ homework, Tae Kwon Do, my school/studying for finals and what not, the house (laundry), and The Brain's crazy work schedule, there just aren't enough hours in the day for the whirlwind that is PTA.
The other girls felt the same. Whether it was back to school or back to work, we all had to say, "Adieu!".
It was fun and I will miss it tremendously. I will miss seeing and doing stuff with all of the kids. I will miss working with the teachers and staff to plan events and activities. And I will miss the camaraderie that only those who volunteer their rear ends off with one another feel. Luckily the bonds that were created are strong and the friendships are sure to last a lifetime.
Granted, we haven't been on the PTA board since the end of last year, but the finality of my stint as 'That PTA Lady' became really real today when I went into the school to meet the new Principal. The new board was sitting at their table selling memberships and such. We chatted for a few minutes and I wished them the best of luck in all they do this upcoming year.
When I was done with what I came to do...I left. After spending so many hours at the school last year, it was strange to just go...
This year, not so much. Between the boys school/ homework, Tae Kwon Do, my school/studying for finals and what not, the house (laundry), and The Brain's crazy work schedule, there just aren't enough hours in the day for the whirlwind that is PTA.
The other girls felt the same. Whether it was back to school or back to work, we all had to say, "Adieu!".
It was fun and I will miss it tremendously. I will miss seeing and doing stuff with all of the kids. I will miss working with the teachers and staff to plan events and activities. And I will miss the camaraderie that only those who volunteer their rear ends off with one another feel. Luckily the bonds that were created are strong and the friendships are sure to last a lifetime.
Granted, we haven't been on the PTA board since the end of last year, but the finality of my stint as 'That PTA Lady' became really real today when I went into the school to meet the new Principal. The new board was sitting at their table selling memberships and such. We chatted for a few minutes and I wished them the best of luck in all they do this upcoming year.
When I was done with what I came to do...I left. After spending so many hours at the school last year, it was strange to just go...
Friday, July 9, 2010
Book Review
Just finished Then She Found Me, by Elinor Lipman.
Apparently this novel was made into a movie starring Helen Hunt, Collin Firth, and several other well-knowns. I hope for the audience's sake that the film was better than the book. I just watched the trailer for it though and it looks NOTHING like the book, which is most likely a good thing.
Basic plot: An adopted woman's (April) eccentric birth mother (Bernice) comes to find her after her adoptive parents have died.
People, The New York Times, and tons of other respectable critics all seemed to enjoy this novel. Either they were smoking crack or I just don't know a good book when I read one.
If you can't tell by now, I really did not like this book. The characters were shallow, in multiple uses of the word. The dialogue was unrealistic. The characters reactions to almost every event in the story were pathetic at least. The only character that showed any realness was the biological father and he has a bit part in the end.
I like the idea. The storyline is good. I just feel that the author had a chance to do something amazing and she failed to do anything.
And it's not that I don't like this type of book. You know, the "girly" books.
I loved Sam's Letters to Jennifer. I adored The Poisonwood Bible and A Bend in the Road. And many others...
Then She Found Me left me feeling ... flat.
If you have read this book and enjoyed it, please share. What am I missing? Tell me how and why I'm wrong. Change my mind!
Apparently this novel was made into a movie starring Helen Hunt, Collin Firth, and several other well-knowns. I hope for the audience's sake that the film was better than the book. I just watched the trailer for it though and it looks NOTHING like the book, which is most likely a good thing.
Basic plot: An adopted woman's (April) eccentric birth mother (Bernice) comes to find her after her adoptive parents have died.
People, The New York Times, and tons of other respectable critics all seemed to enjoy this novel. Either they were smoking crack or I just don't know a good book when I read one.
If you can't tell by now, I really did not like this book. The characters were shallow, in multiple uses of the word. The dialogue was unrealistic. The characters reactions to almost every event in the story were pathetic at least. The only character that showed any realness was the biological father and he has a bit part in the end.
I like the idea. The storyline is good. I just feel that the author had a chance to do something amazing and she failed to do anything.
And it's not that I don't like this type of book. You know, the "girly" books.
I loved Sam's Letters to Jennifer. I adored The Poisonwood Bible and A Bend in the Road. And many others...
Then She Found Me left me feeling ... flat.
If you have read this book and enjoyed it, please share. What am I missing? Tell me how and why I'm wrong. Change my mind!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Date Night
The boys have gone to spend a few days with their most AWESOMEST , yep it's a word - I just said it, aunt and uncle.
Really, those two just might be the most incredibly wonderful people on the planet! (Hi guys!!)
Date Night doesn't happen that often around here. But when it does The Brain and I tend to revert into our younger selves.
Sometimes we do silly stuff, you know, the kinds of things that responsible parents don't do, like sword fight with toilet plungers in the middle of Blood Bath (read as Bed Bath and Beyond - don't ask why we call it that because I haven't the foggiest)
Sometimes we go to the zoo, and the arcade, and Chucky Cheese, and the circus...just kidding, that's just what we tell the kids we did while they were away.
Sometimes we sit around for hours trying to figure out what exactly it is that we are supposed to do. What do other grown up people do when they don't have the kids???
And sometimes... it all falls into place, like tonight.
The house is quiet, except for a little jazz/blues combo playing on the PC downstairs, The Brain is in the shower, and we are going out! To eat that is.
An uninterrupted grown up meal. Followed by a nice bottle of wine back home.
It's Date Night Baby!!
Really, those two just might be the most incredibly wonderful people on the planet! (Hi guys!!)
Date Night doesn't happen that often around here. But when it does The Brain and I tend to revert into our younger selves.
Sometimes we do silly stuff, you know, the kinds of things that responsible parents don't do, like sword fight with toilet plungers in the middle of Blood Bath (read as Bed Bath and Beyond - don't ask why we call it that because I haven't the foggiest)
Sometimes we go to the zoo, and the arcade, and Chucky Cheese, and the circus...just kidding, that's just what we tell the kids we did while they were away.
Sometimes we sit around for hours trying to figure out what exactly it is that we are supposed to do. What do other grown up people do when they don't have the kids???
And sometimes... it all falls into place, like tonight.
The house is quiet, except for a little jazz/blues combo playing on the PC downstairs, The Brain is in the shower, and we are going out! To eat that is.
An uninterrupted grown up meal. Followed by a nice bottle of wine back home.
It's Date Night Baby!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
So the other day, while in the car on the way to Tae Kwon Do, out of the blue, boy 2 says, " I bet it would hurt if you broke your tee-tee. I bet you would have to go to the hospital. Do you think you would die if you broke your tee-tee?"
"Well...I don't know if you can actually break it. It's not like a bone like in your arm. You could hurt it really bad and yes you might have to go to the hospital. But, no, I don't think you would die."
"What if you broke your wee-wee's?"
I slowly turn down the radio because now I am the one who is confused...... "Your what?"
"You know your little hangy down ball things.."
Trying really hard not to laugh, " Sweetie, those are called testicles and your tee-tee is your penis."
"No way! Tell the truth. What are they really called?"
"That is the truth."
"If you don't have bones in your tes-ti-colors then what is inside them?"
Now is when my brain starts working in over on earth do I explain reproductive anatomy to a five year old? And how do I do so on the fly and in an age appropriate manner?
NONE of the 'What to expect when...' books that I read prepared me for these kinds of things. Granted, I may have just not read the right books, or all of any book on raising children , but there should have been a pamphlet or warning label or something!
I know! I can pawn it off on The Brain. He's a guy, he should be having this discussion not me. He is way more equipped to handle this stuff because let's face it, he does have the equipment.
Besides, I know that there is no way in Hell he would be having this discussion if we had girls!
"That's a good question. You should ask Dad when we get home."
"Why don't you know what's inside your testicolors mom?"
Danger, Will Robinson!
If there is one thing I should know by now it is when to shut up. Unfortunately, as much as my parents tried to teach me, it is a quality that remains as elusive to me as dark matter. Therefore, I said this, " I don't have testicles, I'm a girl. That's one of the the differences between boys and girls. Boys have a penis and testicles and girls don't."
Crap! CrapCrapCrap!
After a few moments, boy2 says, "OK, I have one more question..."
"How do they make swords?"
"Well...I don't know if you can actually break it. It's not like a bone like in your arm. You could hurt it really bad and yes you might have to go to the hospital. But, no, I don't think you would die."
"What if you broke your wee-wee's?"
I slowly turn down the radio because now I am the one who is confused...... "Your what?"
"You know your little hangy down ball things.."
Trying really hard not to laugh, " Sweetie, those are called testicles and your tee-tee is your penis."
"No way! Tell the truth. What are they really called?"
"That is the truth."
"If you don't have bones in your tes-ti-colors then what is inside them?"
Now is when my brain starts working in over on earth do I explain reproductive anatomy to a five year old? And how do I do so on the fly and in an age appropriate manner?
NONE of the 'What to expect when...' books that I read prepared me for these kinds of things. Granted, I may have just not read the right books, or all of any book on raising children , but there should have been a pamphlet or warning label or something!
I know! I can pawn it off on The Brain. He's a guy, he should be having this discussion not me. He is way more equipped to handle this stuff because let's face it, he does have the equipment.
Besides, I know that there is no way in Hell he would be having this discussion if we had girls!
"That's a good question. You should ask Dad when we get home."
"Why don't you know what's inside your testicolors mom?"
Danger, Will Robinson!
If there is one thing I should know by now it is when to shut up. Unfortunately, as much as my parents tried to teach me, it is a quality that remains as elusive to me as dark matter. Therefore, I said this, " I don't have testicles, I'm a girl. That's one of the the differences between boys and girls. Boys have a penis and testicles and girls don't."
Crap! CrapCrapCrap!
After a few moments, boy2 says, "OK, I have one more question..."
"How do they make swords?"
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Boys are gross
Yesterday, boy 1 and boy 2 were in the kitchen having lunch. I stepped out of the room, but remained within ear shot.
This is what I heard...
"Buttcrack!" laughter
blah blah blah...
"Buttcrack!" more laughter
"Hey! Do you remember that time that you pooted in my room and it smelled so bad we had to leave?"
"Yeah! That was funny!!!"
"Yeah, that was so awesome..."
Seriously???? BOYS ARE GROSS!!!
This is what I heard...
"Buttcrack!" laughter
blah blah blah...
"Buttcrack!" more laughter
"Hey! Do you remember that time that you pooted in my room and it smelled so bad we had to leave?"
"Yeah! That was funny!!!"
"Yeah, that was so awesome..."
Seriously???? BOYS ARE GROSS!!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Summer nights
Tonight was awesome!
We started container gardens this year and I have been sharing a farmers market basket with a friend of mine. Can you say fresh fruit and veggies? I can! YUM!
The brain grilled BBQ chicken and veggie boats with fresh eggplant from the garden, tomatoes (our first this season), and fresh onion. I cooked fresh green beans and made salad with all farm/ garden fresh goodies.
After we ate, we all went out back and caught fire flies.
The night just ended with warm cookies and a glass of milk.
I love summer nights.
We started container gardens this year and I have been sharing a farmers market basket with a friend of mine. Can you say fresh fruit and veggies? I can! YUM!
The brain grilled BBQ chicken and veggie boats with fresh eggplant from the garden, tomatoes (our first this season), and fresh onion. I cooked fresh green beans and made salad with all farm/ garden fresh goodies.
After we ate, we all went out back and caught fire flies.
The night just ended with warm cookies and a glass of milk.
I love summer nights.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The value of a penny
To make a very long story a bit shorter....
Last night Boy2 got a brand new penny.
(Have you seen these new pennies? The ones with the shield on them? That's a whole other blog...)
It had just come from the bank so it was perfectly shiny and still had that new money smell.
Boy 2 was so happy he just couldn't contain himself, "Holy Moly. Look at this this thing! It's so shiny I can see myself in it! I bet its worth 10 thousand hundred 92 dollars! I love my new penny!"
Of course this is when the bubble popping begins, "Um sweetie, that penny is only worth one cent."
"But it's brand new!"
"I know..."
Holding his once beloved penny up in the air, Boy 2 exclaims in his best evil villain voice,
"CURSE YOU EVIL PENNY! Do you hear me? I Curse you!!!"
Last night Boy2 got a brand new penny.
(Have you seen these new pennies? The ones with the shield on them? That's a whole other blog...)
It had just come from the bank so it was perfectly shiny and still had that new money smell.
Boy 2 was so happy he just couldn't contain himself, "Holy Moly. Look at this this thing! It's so shiny I can see myself in it! I bet its worth 10 thousand hundred 92 dollars! I love my new penny!"
Of course this is when the bubble popping begins, "Um sweetie, that penny is only worth one cent."
"But it's brand new!"
"I know..."
Holding his once beloved penny up in the air, Boy 2 exclaims in his best evil villain voice,
"CURSE YOU EVIL PENNY! Do you hear me? I Curse you!!!"
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Book Review
Just finished Small Gods by Terry Pratchett.
It's pretty funny and does a great job at poking fun at...well everything.
Not a book I became deeply enthralled in or anything, but I liked it well enough. It's a good pick up/put down kind of book, if you read that way.
It's pretty funny and does a great job at poking fun at...well everything.
Not a book I became deeply enthralled in or anything, but I liked it well enough. It's a good pick up/put down kind of book, if you read that way.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
If you will kindly look to the right
Next month we will be going on VACATION!!! WooHoo!
We will be gone for 8 days + drive time.
Now for every one's amusement, if you will please look on the right side of this page you will see something new and exciting. Let me know what you think.
We will be gone for 8 days + drive time.
Now for every one's amusement, if you will please look on the right side of this page you will see something new and exciting. Let me know what you think.
Not my "Me Time"
A while back I was talking to another mom friend of mine about the all coveted "Me time". Her "Me time" included a good book, a glass of whateverstrikesherfancy, and a nice long hot bath. And I admit, I am jealous because I hate baths, not showers, baths.
I really want to like taking baths. On the surface baths seem like oodles of fun. Steamy hot water enveloping me, relaxing every muscle in my entire body, slowly melting away all the stress of the day. A nice glass of wine or ...something. Getting lost in a wonderfully exciting book or simply laying back, closing my eyes and relaxing. It all sounds so magnificent.
But for me a bath has none of the magical stress relieving qualities. For me taking a bath is like sitting in a filthy introspective tension stew.
The water is always too hot to begin with and seems to pass through the just right phase in 0.02 seconds on into the way too freakin' cold phase. At which point I have to sit there letting the water out so I can add more hot water, all the while wondering how many gallons of water I am wasting because I can't control bath water temperature. Then there is the refilling of the tub which involves work on my part in order to mix the now lukewarm water and hot water for optimal and uniform bath water temperature.
Assuming I decided to get all fancy and attempt a bubble bath there is now the problem of vanishing bubbles. Without the bubbles I am just sitting in a tub full of mildly warm water staring at my naked self hoping I don't drowned. Because if I do drowned, someone is going to find me butt naked and wrinkly toed in the tub. I don't want that to be The Brain's last vision of me.
And when did that mole get there??
After 10 min of worrying about nakedness, moles, and the cost of water, I start to realize that sitting in a tub of ones own filth is pretty gross. I need a shower. However, since our society has deemed that it is much more desirable, never mind terribly inefficient, to separate showers and tubs, I have to get out of the bath, run over to the shower and turn it on, wait for that water to warm up at least enough for me to get in, all the while standing there freezing and dripping.
This is all, of course, assuming I managed this masochistic exercise without someone knocking on the door asking me where (insert obscure object) is. If that knock doesn't occur then it only means one of two things: 1) It's late and everyone is asleep, a.k.a- I am exhausted. 2) Something most likely very messy is on the other side of the door and I am afraid...very afraid.
I really want to like taking baths. On the surface baths seem like oodles of fun. Steamy hot water enveloping me, relaxing every muscle in my entire body, slowly melting away all the stress of the day. A nice glass of wine or ...something. Getting lost in a wonderfully exciting book or simply laying back, closing my eyes and relaxing. It all sounds so magnificent.
But for me a bath has none of the magical stress relieving qualities. For me taking a bath is like sitting in a filthy introspective tension stew.
The water is always too hot to begin with and seems to pass through the just right phase in 0.02 seconds on into the way too freakin' cold phase. At which point I have to sit there letting the water out so I can add more hot water, all the while wondering how many gallons of water I am wasting because I can't control bath water temperature. Then there is the refilling of the tub which involves work on my part in order to mix the now lukewarm water and hot water for optimal and uniform bath water temperature.
Assuming I decided to get all fancy and attempt a bubble bath there is now the problem of vanishing bubbles. Without the bubbles I am just sitting in a tub full of mildly warm water staring at my naked self hoping I don't drowned. Because if I do drowned, someone is going to find me butt naked and wrinkly toed in the tub. I don't want that to be The Brain's last vision of me.
And when did that mole get there??
After 10 min of worrying about nakedness, moles, and the cost of water, I start to realize that sitting in a tub of ones own filth is pretty gross. I need a shower. However, since our society has deemed that it is much more desirable, never mind terribly inefficient, to separate showers and tubs, I have to get out of the bath, run over to the shower and turn it on, wait for that water to warm up at least enough for me to get in, all the while standing there freezing and dripping.
This is all, of course, assuming I managed this masochistic exercise without someone knocking on the door asking me where (insert obscure object) is. If that knock doesn't occur then it only means one of two things: 1) It's late and everyone is asleep, a.k.a- I am exhausted. 2) Something most likely very messy is on the other side of the door and I am afraid...very afraid.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I stuck them on craigslist - why not here too
2 boys X Games BMX Motobike bicycles. Both bikes have been stored in the garage are in great used condition. The red bike has minor scratches on the front fender. The blue bike has a couple of minor scratches on the front and one minor scratch on the rear fender. Both bikes have only been ridden maybe 5 times. The red one is the bigger of the two. I think the red one is 16" and the blue 12" , but not sure.
$40 for the red one - (retails for $79.97 on
$30 for the blue one
OR $60 for both
Cash Only ( The boys will split all money 50/50 w/ each other)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We might have a little OCD problem
Every once in a while The Brain and I decide to play little word games. I guess it's our way of proving to ourselves just how insanely brilliant we are. (that was a joke...'cause we are also insanely funny like that)
Last night was -ation night. We laid in bed for over an hour and a half thinking of as many words as possible that end in -ation or at least sound like they do. For example: destination, cremation, germination, coagulation, correlation, implantation, station, nation, Dalmatian, germination, assassination, intimidation, mediation, justification, causation... You get the idea.
First words spoken this morning? Reincarnation and exaltation
I love my husband!
Last night was -ation night. We laid in bed for over an hour and a half thinking of as many words as possible that end in -ation or at least sound like they do. For example: destination, cremation, germination, coagulation, correlation, implantation, station, nation, Dalmatian, germination, assassination, intimidation, mediation, justification, causation... You get the idea.
First words spoken this morning? Reincarnation and exaltation
I love my husband!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
So far this summer has been crazy
Several people have asked me why I haven't been blogging, and the truth is that this summer has been crazy so far, and it just started!
The summer started off right with a visit from Caffeinated Code Monkey. Which was fantastic!!! Remind me to tell you all about drunken Pictureka and other ways to make children's games fun.
Then we visited my my favorite place on earth for about a week followed by a trip down to a friend's son's birthday party.
Currently my mother is up visiting. We brought her back home with us after trip #2 to my favorite place on earth . I wont tell you where it is, but I will say that those trips require packing, thermostat adjustment, and extended feeder thingies for the fish.
The boys had Tae Kwon Do testing between trips and did awesome.
Today I leave again to take The Granny home and will back tomorrow. I am going solo this trip so I should make good time. And I promise to blog more when things return to normal...what we call normal anyway.
The summer started off right with a visit from Caffeinated Code Monkey. Which was fantastic!!! Remind me to tell you all about drunken Pictureka and other ways to make children's games fun.
Then we visited my my favorite place on earth for about a week followed by a trip down to a friend's son's birthday party.
Currently my mother is up visiting. We brought her back home with us after trip #2 to my favorite place on earth . I wont tell you where it is, but I will say that those trips require packing, thermostat adjustment, and extended feeder thingies for the fish.
The boys had Tae Kwon Do testing between trips and did awesome.
Today I leave again to take The Granny home and will back tomorrow. I am going solo this trip so I should make good time. And I promise to blog more when things return to normal...what we call normal anyway.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Asleep but not really
You know those nights when you just can't sleep? Or even worse, when you can sleep but you are aware of the fact that you are sleeping, so then it's not like you're really sleeping? Or does that only happen to me? Maybe so...
If you have never experienced that horrible asleep but not asleep kind of sleep, I will explain:
You crawl in the bed at say 11:00pm. Lay down, get comfortable, and start to drift. Then your cursed brain decides that now is the perfect time to exercise both hemispheres in some evil corrupt sleep deprivation/multi tasking experiment.
Then, you start thinking. Thinking about every little thing that you did or did not get accomplished today. You rehash the confrontation with the stupid person in the grocery store who can't read a freakin' sign that clearly says '10 Items or Less' and feel bad for having acted like a fool. Or maybe you start to fantasize about the confrontation you could have had, and what you should have said, if only you weren't so afraid of confrontation. At the same time you are now 10 years old, walking through a forest and talking to some other kid who has wings and green hair and is apparently your best friend in the whole wide world, about the effects of a solar eclipse on underwater eggplants.
Simultaneously, you are trying to will yourself to sleep. You silently shout obscenities at your brain hoping that it will give in to your seemingly reasonable ransom demand for sleep. This goes on until you finally sit straight up and look at the clock - it is now 3:00 am. So, you grab a pillow ( that, by the way, you can't return now even though you desperately want to because it's medium firmness lasted for about 2 nights) and head downstairs to sleep on the couch.
That was my night last night...
If you have never experienced that horrible asleep but not asleep kind of sleep, I will explain:
You crawl in the bed at say 11:00pm. Lay down, get comfortable, and start to drift. Then your cursed brain decides that now is the perfect time to exercise both hemispheres in some evil corrupt sleep deprivation/multi tasking experiment.
Then, you start thinking. Thinking about every little thing that you did or did not get accomplished today. You rehash the confrontation with the stupid person in the grocery store who can't read a freakin' sign that clearly says '10 Items or Less' and feel bad for having acted like a fool. Or maybe you start to fantasize about the confrontation you could have had, and what you should have said, if only you weren't so afraid of confrontation. At the same time you are now 10 years old, walking through a forest and talking to some other kid who has wings and green hair and is apparently your best friend in the whole wide world, about the effects of a solar eclipse on underwater eggplants.
Simultaneously, you are trying to will yourself to sleep. You silently shout obscenities at your brain hoping that it will give in to your seemingly reasonable ransom demand for sleep. This goes on until you finally sit straight up and look at the clock - it is now 3:00 am. So, you grab a pillow ( that, by the way, you can't return now even though you desperately want to because it's medium firmness lasted for about 2 nights) and head downstairs to sleep on the couch.
That was my night last night...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Book Review
I love to read!
So, naturally it didn't take long for me to start posting reviews of the books I read, or have read, here on The Hamper.
If you have any must reads you would like to share please feel free. I am always looking for something to get lost in and most of my favorites have come from recommendations.
Triggerfish Twist
Just like there are some movies you have to see just because you should see them, there are some books you just have to read and this is definitely one of those books.
Triggerfish Twist a smart, fast paced, in your face, outlandish comedy. There is nothing more that I could say that hasn't already been said by more qualified critics and reviewers.
A great first read for the summer!
Other favorites:
Good Omens
So, naturally it didn't take long for me to start posting reviews of the books I read, or have read, here on The Hamper.
If you have any must reads you would like to share please feel free. I am always looking for something to get lost in and most of my favorites have come from recommendations.
I just finished reading Triggerfish Twist by Tim Dorsey and I have to say that this book is hilarious!
Just like there are some movies you have to see just because you should see them, there are some books you just have to read and this is definitely one of those books.
Triggerfish Twist a smart, fast paced, in your face, outlandish comedy. There is nothing more that I could say that hasn't already been said by more qualified critics and reviewers.
Other favorites:
Good Omens
Actually all of Christopher Moore's books are awesome!
There are so many other wonderful books on my must read list, but these are very similar in style and if you like one I am sure you will love the others.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
That's what I mean
I am a bad parent. The other day I slipped up and called Boy1 a smart ass. Not in a mean hateful way, but in an 'Ok, you got me there' kind of way.
His response: "Thank you mother. My behind appreciates the compliment."
His response: "Thank you mother. My behind appreciates the compliment."
Friday, May 21, 2010
I have no desire to see you standing in your back yard in your underwear
Three years ago we bought our house. We did not buy it because it was our dream home. We bought this house because it was the only house of about 100 that met every criteria we set down. And for that reason alone we loved it!
New house must haves:
1) Must be near the interstate because of The Brain's commute to work
2) Three bedrooms plus another area to be used as a play room
3) Separate dinning room
4) 2 car garage
5) Fenced in back yard/ decent sized back yard for the boys and dog to run and play
6) Fireplace
7) Trees
8) Not ranch style
9) Good school system
10) BONUS - Culdesac so the boys can ride bikes.
Fast forward 3 years:
1)Brain now works from home
2)Play room is now an office
3)Dinning room table is broken all to hell and back.
4) Garage is too small for cars
5) Yard has been taken over by mosquitoes so the boys won't go back there and the dog has a bum knee and can't run
6)Fire places are overrated
7) Neighbors are cutting down all of the trees - as I type!
8) I fall a lot...
9) Wish I could afford private school
10) Kids refuse to learn to ride bikes
The one that pisses me off the most? #7
New house must haves:
1) Must be near the interstate because of The Brain's commute to work
2) Three bedrooms plus another area to be used as a play room
3) Separate dinning room
4) 2 car garage
5) Fenced in back yard/ decent sized back yard for the boys and dog to run and play
6) Fireplace
7) Trees
8) Not ranch style
9) Good school system
10) BONUS - Culdesac so the boys can ride bikes.
Fast forward 3 years:
1)Brain now works from home
2)Play room is now an office
3)Dinning room table is broken all to hell and back.
4) Garage is too small for cars
5) Yard has been taken over by mosquitoes so the boys won't go back there and the dog has a bum knee and can't run
6)Fire places are overrated
7) Neighbors are cutting down all of the trees - as I type!
8) I fall a lot...
9) Wish I could afford private school
10) Kids refuse to learn to ride bikes
The one that pisses me off the most? #7
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The good 'ole days
While thinking about the previous post, I thought about when I was a kid. Sure, there were bugs outside, but not like this. We weren't afraid to go outside and play. Hell, we stayed outside roaming the neighborhood till the street lights came on. Actually, thats how you knew you were late. Somehow our parents expected us to sense when the street lights were going to come on and be home before then. But if you got back too soon you were told to go back out and play. Our parents expected us to be telepathic super kids, and we were. So what changed? Why do I buy 5 million dollars worth of yard spray to kill bugs every year and still have damn mosquitoes?
And then it hit me...The BUG Truck! You know the one I'm talking about. It drove up and down the street every night spewing some kind of noxious cancer causing Strychnine/DDT poison gas into every fort and tree house in a five mile radius. The fog was so thick you couldn't even see the fence you were about to jump over.
But, there were no bugs...
I miss the bug truck.
And then it hit me...The BUG Truck! You know the one I'm talking about. It drove up and down the street every night spewing some kind of noxious cancer causing Strychnine/DDT poison gas into every fort and tree house in a five mile radius. The fog was so thick you couldn't even see the fence you were about to jump over.
But, there were no bugs...
I miss the bug truck.
Evil blood suckers
My yard is slowly being taken over by mosquitoes. Two years ago it was awful. You couldn't even walk onto the back deck without fearing you might loose a limb. I honestly think that the CDC should come to determine whether or not the West Nile virus originated in my back yard.
This year it's already started.
This afternoon Boy 1 ran inside and slammed the door shouting, "They're after me mom! The mosquitoes are after me! I think they want to turn me into one of them!"
The battle between man and tiny vampire has begun!
This year it's already started.
This afternoon Boy 1 ran inside and slammed the door shouting, "They're after me mom! The mosquitoes are after me! I think they want to turn me into one of them!"
The battle between man and tiny vampire has begun!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
When I started this blog I never thought anyone would read it! But, today I passed the 20 visitor mark! I know that isn't exactly a lot of readers in the blog world, however, I want each and every one of you to know how awesome you are to me! I now have readers spanning the country from California to New York! How cool is that!?!?
I want you all to know too that you should feel free to comment on anything you see here. I want to hear your stories! Most of my posts are about my boys and the craziness that is life. Thank you for being a part of my world, I hope you share yours with me!
I want you all to know too that you should feel free to comment on anything you see here. I want to hear your stories! Most of my posts are about my boys and the craziness that is life. Thank you for being a part of my world, I hope you share yours with me!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Skip it
Yesterday, The Brain took off work and we went to boy 2's kindergarten graduation. It was suppossed to start at 11:00, we got there at 10:55 to find out that we missed half of it, not because we were late but because they started 20 min early....What? Who does that?!? I was more than a little sad. Not just because we missed most of the performance, but because my baby is not a baby anymore.
So, instead of coming home, doing chores, going to Tae Kwon Do, eating a nutritious dinner, running around like crazy people trying to accomplish everything under the sun before 8 pm, we skipped it. We skipped ALL of it!
First we came home and ate snacks. Then we all curled up in my bed and told ghost stories and pretended to fall asleep and see who could snore the loudest. Next it was off to Red Box and McDonalds. Armed with movies and Happy Meals, we piled up in the living room for the rest of the day/night.
It was wonderful!
So, instead of coming home, doing chores, going to Tae Kwon Do, eating a nutritious dinner, running around like crazy people trying to accomplish everything under the sun before 8 pm, we skipped it. We skipped ALL of it!
First we came home and ate snacks. Then we all curled up in my bed and told ghost stories and pretended to fall asleep and see who could snore the loudest. Next it was off to Red Box and McDonalds. Armed with movies and Happy Meals, we piled up in the living room for the rest of the day/night.
It was wonderful!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I'm addicted and so are you
I know this is nothing new. I know it and you know it. We have all become addicted to our cell phones. But seriously! When did this happen?
If I can't find my phone I start to hyperventilate. Panic sets in. I have been known to storm through the house ripping cushions and pillows of of any and everything that had cushions and pillows in search of that tiny little device, certain that someone has done something evil to it! I couldn't have misplaced it! No sir! That thing is my life blood!
And it's not like I even know that many people. Way back when, I had the hardest time trying to decide who to program into my Fave 5's. Because let's face it, I probably call the pediatrician and the gynecologist more than I do my sister, and it's pretty handy to have those numbers readily available in dire situations. But, what picture would I use to indicate the gyno on my home screen? The flower? The martini glass? The tramp stamp tattoo? No, none of these would work.
I have even been late to appointments because I turned around to go back to get my phone. I mean, one of the 3 people that I know might have something they need to tell me right away. Or what if suddenly we are invaded by an alien race? How will I know to evacuate? What if my house catches on fire and one of my neighbors calls to tell me? (Granted none of my neighbors have my cell #, but the point is still valid!) What if The Brain calls to ask me to pick up milk or coffee or toilet paper while I am out. I wont get the message and I'll have to make another trip!
Want to know how to bring a nation to it's knees? Disrupt cell service! Life as we know it will stop. People everywhere will be walking around, holding their phones in the air, randomly pushing buttons in a futile attempt to find service. Those who have lost all hope of achieving even one bar will go insane. Grown men will be curled up in the fetal position,drooling, mumbling incoherently, while babies are left crying unattended. Fights will ensue in parking lots and on playgrounds between disgruntled house wives. Children will ban together in a Lord of the Flies manner because their parents will have gone mad.
Today's To-Do List: Give neighbors my cell #
If I can't find my phone I start to hyperventilate. Panic sets in. I have been known to storm through the house ripping cushions and pillows of of any and everything that had cushions and pillows in search of that tiny little device, certain that someone has done something evil to it! I couldn't have misplaced it! No sir! That thing is my life blood!
And it's not like I even know that many people. Way back when, I had the hardest time trying to decide who to program into my Fave 5's. Because let's face it, I probably call the pediatrician and the gynecologist more than I do my sister, and it's pretty handy to have those numbers readily available in dire situations. But, what picture would I use to indicate the gyno on my home screen? The flower? The martini glass? The tramp stamp tattoo? No, none of these would work.
I have even been late to appointments because I turned around to go back to get my phone. I mean, one of the 3 people that I know might have something they need to tell me right away. Or what if suddenly we are invaded by an alien race? How will I know to evacuate? What if my house catches on fire and one of my neighbors calls to tell me? (Granted none of my neighbors have my cell #, but the point is still valid!) What if The Brain calls to ask me to pick up milk or coffee or toilet paper while I am out. I wont get the message and I'll have to make another trip!
Want to know how to bring a nation to it's knees? Disrupt cell service! Life as we know it will stop. People everywhere will be walking around, holding their phones in the air, randomly pushing buttons in a futile attempt to find service. Those who have lost all hope of achieving even one bar will go insane. Grown men will be curled up in the fetal position,drooling, mumbling incoherently, while babies are left crying unattended. Fights will ensue in parking lots and on playgrounds between disgruntled house wives. Children will ban together in a Lord of the Flies manner because their parents will have gone mad.
Today's To-Do List: Give neighbors my cell #
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tae Kwon Do Tiger Cub Promise:
"I promise to use Tae Kwon Do in class and to escape from strangers. I will not use Tae Kwon Do to cause trouble."
Scene: I am in the kitchen calmly making dinner. The house is quiet.All is well. Suddenly, a loud "kiai" and a crashing sound from upstairs startles me causing pasta sauce to go all over the floor.
Calm time is officially over,"What is going on up there? You can't use Tae Kwon Do to cause trouble!!! And that sounds like trouble to me!!!"
Instant quiet....."NAH-UH!! We weren't using Tae Kwon Do! We were just hitting each other!"
So I sigh, secretly smile at the witty comeback, and hope nothing is broken.
"I promise to use Tae Kwon Do in class and to escape from strangers. I will not use Tae Kwon Do to cause trouble."
Scene: I am in the kitchen calmly making dinner. The house is quiet.All is well. Suddenly, a loud "kiai" and a crashing sound from upstairs startles me causing pasta sauce to go all over the floor.
Calm time is officially over,"What is going on up there? You can't use Tae Kwon Do to cause trouble!!! And that sounds like trouble to me!!!"
Instant quiet....."NAH-UH!! We weren't using Tae Kwon Do! We were just hitting each other!"
So I sigh, secretly smile at the witty comeback, and hope nothing is broken.
I have to brag for a minute
I am so proud!
My oldest son's teacher called to give me his CRCT test scores...the kid almost got perfect scores on every portion! And to top it off, he got his second stripe in TaeKwonDo yesterday!
And to toot my own horn a bit: I got my final grades for this semester - All A's! Go me - Keepin' the 4.0! lol
My oldest son's teacher called to give me his CRCT test scores...the kid almost got perfect scores on every portion! And to top it off, he got his second stripe in TaeKwonDo yesterday!
And to toot my own horn a bit: I got my final grades for this semester - All A's! Go me - Keepin' the 4.0! lol
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Too many choices
It had been a while since I bought new pillows. And I admit, the last time I bought new pillows I wasn't exactly picky so I bought what was cheap. Well, our pillows SUCKED. Sorry, but there is just no better way to put it. In the spots that weren't lumpy the damn things were so flat that I think there was some type of vacuum/worm hole that sucked your head into the earths inner core, forcing your neck into a position that would render even the most limber of contortionist incapacitated.
So, yesterday I embarked on a pillow buying adventure, unaware of the intricacies of pillow buying. The varying degrees of firmness, filling,thread count, blah blah blah. This one is perfect for back sleepers, that one is perfect for side sleepers, this one conforms for maximum comfort, the one over there is down filled, and the one to your left has a quilted top. Firm. Standard. Extra Firm. Medium. AHHHHH
This is no decision to be made lightly.
First, the buyer is forced to analyze their sleeping position. Hmmm, I usually fall asleep in a side/stomach combo. Is there a pillow for that? NO. What about the 'toss and turn pillow'? NO
Is the pillow comfy? The only way to tell is to lay the pillow on the floor in the middle of the store and plop yourself down and pretend to sleep. However, the floor is hard. It smells bad. There is gum on the floor and a dead bug. There are people staring at you acting like an idiot laying on the floor in the middle of the store wondering if now is the appropriate time to call security. Your bed has none of these things. The floor is not the bed.
After 30 min. it was time to call for back up. I called The Brain, thinking he could help. Wrong. I got more questions, including the the all important cost factor, which I had not even considered at this point. Only to be told, "Whatever you think, but I think I like firm." No help there.
Since I'm kind of a middle of the road sort of gal, I gave up and grabbed 2firm for The Brain and 2 medium for me.
Finally, done. I have my new pillows. I can sleep peacefully and dream sweet dreams without wondering if I was attacked in the middle of the night by some intruder whose only purpose in life was to cause me neck pain.
I had to return 2 pillows..........
So, yesterday I embarked on a pillow buying adventure, unaware of the intricacies of pillow buying. The varying degrees of firmness, filling,thread count, blah blah blah. This one is perfect for back sleepers, that one is perfect for side sleepers, this one conforms for maximum comfort, the one over there is down filled, and the one to your left has a quilted top. Firm. Standard. Extra Firm. Medium. AHHHHH
This is no decision to be made lightly.
First, the buyer is forced to analyze their sleeping position. Hmmm, I usually fall asleep in a side/stomach combo. Is there a pillow for that? NO. What about the 'toss and turn pillow'? NO
Is the pillow comfy? The only way to tell is to lay the pillow on the floor in the middle of the store and plop yourself down and pretend to sleep. However, the floor is hard. It smells bad. There is gum on the floor and a dead bug. There are people staring at you acting like an idiot laying on the floor in the middle of the store wondering if now is the appropriate time to call security. Your bed has none of these things. The floor is not the bed.
After 30 min. it was time to call for back up. I called The Brain, thinking he could help. Wrong. I got more questions, including the the all important cost factor, which I had not even considered at this point. Only to be told, "Whatever you think, but I think I like firm." No help there.
Since I'm kind of a middle of the road sort of gal, I gave up and grabbed 2firm for The Brain and 2 medium for me.
Finally, done. I have my new pillows. I can sleep peacefully and dream sweet dreams without wondering if I was attacked in the middle of the night by some intruder whose only purpose in life was to cause me neck pain.
I had to return 2 pillows..........
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The kid's got skills
Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms out there!
I must say that having boys is awesome on days like today. At least having my boys is!
So far I have been called; "As pretty as an Alabama sunrise, over the lake, when the geese are flying", and "As pretty as a blooming flower".
If you have elementary age children you know that the week before Mothers Day the kids make presents and cards and things. And, you never know what your going to get.
My oldest son had one of those fill in the blank template cards that his class did.
Apparently, his mom is best at washing clothes. Is great because she feeds me. And is smart because she knows what 79x70 is.
I love being a mom!
I must say that having boys is awesome on days like today. At least having my boys is!
So far I have been called; "As pretty as an Alabama sunrise, over the lake, when the geese are flying", and "As pretty as a blooming flower".
If you have elementary age children you know that the week before Mothers Day the kids make presents and cards and things. And, you never know what your going to get.
My oldest son had one of those fill in the blank template cards that his class did.
Apparently, his mom is best at washing clothes. Is great because she feeds me. And is smart because she knows what 79x70 is.
I love being a mom!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
To the lady at the department store last night:
Dear Mortified Lady,
Please accept our deepest apologies. I know that seeing my two young sons fondle the breasts on the mannequin in the swimsuit department was a shock to you. I also want to let you know that we had a talk with the youngest one about how it was impolite to remove the bra from the mannequin in the lingerie department. (the kid's got great eye hand coordination!)That was unacceptable and he now knows that.
Thank you.
Please accept our deepest apologies. I know that seeing my two young sons fondle the breasts on the mannequin in the swimsuit department was a shock to you. I also want to let you know that we had a talk with the youngest one about how it was impolite to remove the bra from the mannequin in the lingerie department. (the kid's got great eye hand coordination!)That was unacceptable and he now knows that.
Thank you.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Zombies in Church
I am not a very religious person, but I respect and appreciate all cultures and religions. That said, last night one of our friend's daughters was in a play at her church. So, I loaded up the guys and we went to watch. It was so cute! All of the children did an excellent job. And my boys were very well behaved throughout the whole thing, until the end. After the play we were waiting out in the ?lobby? (I think there is some official name for the area of the church that we were in, but the name escapes me) when my guys decide it is the perfect time to act like zombies. Yep, arms out, stumbling around like Frankenstein's monster, yelling at the other children to "Come back so I can eat your brains!" and telling anyone in earshot that they can only be killed if someone "chops my head off and blood gets all over the carpet." I guess I should have been embarrassed, and I was a little. But no one else seemed to care.
Luckily no one else was privy to our earlier conversation:
Oldest son:"So how does that whole Jesus thing work?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Oldest son: "Well, if Jesus died and then came back to life, THAT MAKES HIM A ZOMBIE, mom!"
Youngest son: "If church is God's house, does he get to make people make him pancakes whenever he wants? That's what I would do if I had that many houses. I would eat pancakes all the time. I wish I was God."

Good times I tell ya'...Good times...
Luckily no one else was privy to our earlier conversation:
Oldest son:"So how does that whole Jesus thing work?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Oldest son: "Well, if Jesus died and then came back to life, THAT MAKES HIM A ZOMBIE, mom!"
Youngest son: "If church is God's house, does he get to make people make him pancakes whenever he wants? That's what I would do if I had that many houses. I would eat pancakes all the time. I wish I was God."

Good times I tell ya'...Good times...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
What's with the name?
So here it is, my first blog. Why is it called The Hamper? Well, this weekend I had two tasks that I wanted to make sure got started: 1) Start a blog. 2) Start the laundry. And there you have it, another attempt at being the awesome multitasker that I am.
I don't know if anyone will ever read this(besides the trusty and faithful few). But as this is my first post I feel that a few ground rules should be laid down.
1. I have 2 kids and I am not an English major. That should be "enough said" but in case you don't understand the implications it means that spelling and grammar are not very high on my priority list.
2. I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment and do so quite often.
3. Sometimes I have a potty mouth, sorry I'm working on it.
4. This list is to be considered a living document.
5. I can't promise a blog a day or even a blog a week, because after all there's still more laundry that needs to be done.
welcome to my world, feel free to comment all you like.
I don't know if anyone will ever read this(besides the trusty and faithful few). But as this is my first post I feel that a few ground rules should be laid down.
1. I have 2 kids and I am not an English major. That should be "enough said" but in case you don't understand the implications it means that spelling and grammar are not very high on my priority list.
2. I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment and do so quite often.
3. Sometimes I have a potty mouth, sorry I'm working on it.
4. This list is to be considered a living document.
5. I can't promise a blog a day or even a blog a week, because after all there's still more laundry that needs to be done.
welcome to my world, feel free to comment all you like.
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