Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bitter sweet peace and quiet

School supplies have been turned in.
Lunches have been paid for.
Volunteer sheets have been signed.
Snacks have been arranged.

Hello School Year- Goodbye Summer.

Today is the first day of school. And while I will miss having the ability to do anything we want during the week, it is nice to have a quiet house and a routine once again!

Yesterday we got to go to their respective schools and meet with their teachers. So far so good! We all really like both teachers. Boy 1's teacher is an Alabama fan so that's a plus, I mean at least we know she's smart!!

The great people from Chick-Fil-A were at Boy 1's school and they had one of those 'Spin the Wheel - Win a Prize' things going on, so of course the boys couldn't resist. Boy 2 won a free kids meal coupon. You would have thought he had just won the lottery!!! Never mind the fact that chicken nuggets are his favorite food (a.k.a one of the only things he will eat), but these are, "FREE CHICKEN NUGGETS MOM!!!!!!!" Seriously, he talked about nothing else for over an hour.

 I guess sometimes it really is the little things...

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