Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tortilla Love

I don't know why or how it happened, but the boys and I started talking about having girlfriends and wives the other day. It was interesting/humorous/ and slightly scary to see how they viewed romantic relationships.

First off, Boy1 adamantly stated that he will require any potential girlfriend to fill out a survey or application before even considering a relationship. Why waste your time I guess...

Top 5 Boy1 potential girlfriend qualifications:
1) Must like soccer.
2) Must like music and be cool with him playing in a band.
3) Must not be taller than he is. (or bigger in any way - he's on the small side)
4) Must be smart.
5) Must like tacos - This is very important!!

After hearing this idea Boy 2 made his own list:
1) Has to like corn dogs and not make him eat vegetables.
2) Can't be smarter than he is.
3) Must like scary movies.
4) Must have blond or blondish brown hair.
5) Must like video games.

Somehow the topic of kissing came up. God help me!

Boy1: I am not kissing her.
Boy2: You have to, it's the LAW!
Boy1: NOT ON THE FIRST DATE!!! Maybe after 878,000 dates...
Boy2: No, not then, on your wedding day!!!
Boy1: Oh yeah, well, that's the only time then!
Me: So, once your married you're not going to kiss your wife?
Boy1: Ok... As long as we have tacos at least 3 times a month I'll kiss her.
Boy2: That seems about right.
Me: Let me get this straight...If your wife makes you tacos 3 times a month, then you'll kiss her?
Boy1: Oh no! She doesn't have to make them...They just have to be in my belly 3 times a month. She can go to Taco Bell if she wants...

God help us all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it ! you have the BEST kids ! (: Very humorous i must say. Can't wait to see you !! I LOVE YOU !