Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Home Grown Tomatoes

A few years ago I attempted container gardening. I'm not sure what inspired me to take on that particular challenge especially given that I am not known for my green thumb, quite the opposite in fact. Nevertheless, I had fanciful visions of being the perfect southern woman: wearing funny hats, growing vegetables in the dirt, and sipping lemonade on my front porch. I was going to provide my family with wholesome fresh vegetables that I would expertly prepare and offer at the dinner table; thus proving my love and worth to the world. Surely, I had some untapped inherent talent that would allow me to simply will life to spring forth and ripen into sweet deliciousness. I am from the South after all.

Thank goodness mothers aren't measured by their vegetable growing abilities.  If memory serves, we ended up with 3 or 4 tiny tomatoes, a couple of eggplants, and a handful of peppers. Sadly, my delusions of grandeur had dissolved and harsh reality took hold - my thumbs are all black - gardening is work. Hard work.

This week the boys and I are vacationing at Grandma's house. Grandma is not like me. Grandma does have super powers. She doesn't garden -  she grows. Seriously, plants just grow at her house. By the time others are contemplating planting, she is making sandwiches with her very own ripe and juicy tomatoes. As Boy 1 put it last night, "I think she is Mother Nature in disguise."

Today, I had had my first home grown tomato of the season and all is right with the world.

Thank you Grandma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing like fresh veggies! My garden has almost taken over my backyard this year!