Thursday, May 13, 2010


Tae Kwon Do Tiger Cub Promise:

"I promise to use Tae Kwon Do in class and to escape from strangers. I will not use Tae Kwon Do to cause trouble."

Scene: I am in the kitchen calmly making dinner. The house is quiet.All is well. Suddenly, a loud "kiai" and a crashing sound from upstairs startles me causing pasta sauce to go all over the floor.

Calm time is officially over,"What is going on up there? You can't use Tae Kwon Do to cause trouble!!! And that sounds like trouble to me!!!"

Instant quiet....."NAH-UH!! We weren't using Tae Kwon Do! We were just hitting each other!"

So I sigh, secretly smile at the witty comeback, and hope nothing is broken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this made me smile (: