Sunday, May 2, 2010

What's with the name?

So here it is, my first blog. Why is it called The Hamper? Well, this weekend I had two tasks that I wanted to make sure got started: 1) Start a blog. 2) Start the laundry. And there you have it, another attempt at being the awesome multitasker that I am.

I don't know if anyone will ever read this(besides the trusty and faithful few). But as this is my first post I feel that a few ground rules should be laid down.

1. I have 2 kids and I am not an English major. That should be "enough said" but in case you don't understand the implications it means that spelling and grammar are not very high on my priority list.
2. I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment and do so quite often.
3. Sometimes I have a potty mouth, sorry I'm working on it.
4. This list is to be considered a living document.
5. I can't promise a blog a day or even a blog a week, because after all there's still more laundry that needs to be done.

welcome to my world, feel free to comment all you like.

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