Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We might have a little OCD problem

Every once in a while The Brain and I decide to play little word games. I guess it's our way of proving to ourselves just how insanely brilliant we are.  (that was a joke...'cause we are also insanely funny like that)

Last night was -ation night. We laid in bed for over an hour and a half thinking of as many words as possible that end in -ation or at least sound like they do. For example: destination, cremation, germination, coagulation, correlation, implantation, station, nation, Dalmatian, germination, assassination, intimidation, mediation, justification, causation... You get the idea.

First words spoken this morning? Reincarnation and exaltation

I love my husband!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah ! (: This is cute.